The hosts of The Look Back, each highlighted with a yellow outline, appear in a sort of collage, surrounded by historical objects featured in episodes of The Look Back, and in front of them is the logo for The Look Back

About The Look Back

Kacie Lucchini Butcher, a public historian, holds a postcard while laughing, with the look for The Look Back and text superimposed, GIANT FRUIT??

How Fake Photos Helped Convince People to Move to the Midwest

Progressive Era and WWI

Tall-tale postcards—photographic postcards showing greatly exaggerated produce and animals–emerged as part of the “postcard mania” in the United States in the late 1800s to the 1920s. Life on the plains and prairies at that time was tough. The tall-tale postcard emerged as a humorous response–with supersized fruits and vegetables making the Midwest seem like the land of plenty and problem-free.


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I loved how you made the videos educational and fun at the same time!

Wisconsin student
Two middle school aged students facing a laptop while an adult educator stands behind them and points at the laptop screen while guiding them

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