PBS LearningMedia
Bring the world to your classroom with PBS LearningMedia. Find more than 30,000 free-to-use educational resources for educators in all core subjects from PBS stations across the country, including PBS Wisconsin Education resources! Access videos, interactives, lesson plans and curated collections to create unique and fun learning experiences aligned to state standards. Searching for content is easy. Knowing what you find comes from a trusted source is even better.
What you will find
Just-in-time resources
Discover classroom-ready educational resources aligned to state standards for the class or session you are teaching.
Professional Development
Access professional development to build your instructional skills and simplify planning.
Digital compatibility
Integrate PBS LearningMedia with Google Classroom, Clever, Schoology Learning, or Remind.
Spark curiosity with trusted resources

PBS LearningMedia Tutorials
Make the most of PBS LearningMedia with these tutorials.

U.S. History Collection
Expand historical thinking skills in U.S. History through multiple perspectives for grades 6-12.

Teach Your Way Collection
Teach all year long with flexible resources aligned to monthly themes and skills for PreK-2 learners.

Bringing the Universe to America’s Classrooms
Explore Earth, space and physical science with resources from GBH and NASA for grades K-12.

Ready to Learn Math
Foster math engagement with Peg+Cat interactives, games, and more for PreK-2 learners.
“I like the variety of the resources, especially those that are more local to my area.”