How are language and culture informed by location?
In “Prayers in a Song” Minneapolis-based hip-hop artist Tall Paul (Paul Wenell Jr.) raps about his struggle to learn his indigenous language, Anishinaabemowin. Learn about his journey toward a deeper understanding of his Native identity.
Explore the story
Questions to consider

What themes did you hear about in Tall Paul’s song? Do you think these themes are universal or unique to Tall Paul’s life?

If you wrote a song or poem about your identity and community, what themes and experiences would you explore?
In their words

“I feel the latent effects of assimilation, inner city Native raised by bright lights skyscrapers.”
Tall Paul
Production credits
Finn Ryan
David Nevala
David Nevala
David Nevala
Motion Graphics
Art & Sons
Tilt Media
“Prayers in a Song” by Tall Paul
Instrumental Production
Mike Frey
Essay Editing
Sheila Regan
David O’ Connor
Aaron Bird Bear
Ryan Comfort
Tyler Blue Tarpalechee
Ben Grignon