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Illustration of Electa Quinney teaching in a classroom in front of a blackboard with the Wisconsin Biographies logo superimposed, a tagline (people making history), and a banner displaying the title of the resource (Electa Quinney)
This educator endured hardships and injustice to lift up Native and non-Native people through her generosity and guidance.Meet Electa Quinney, Wisconsin's first known public school teacher and a notable mentor in the Mohican community.
Two middle school aged students facing a laptop while an adult educator stands behind them and points at the laptop screen while guiding them
Bring the world to your classroom with PBS LearningMedia. Find more than 30,000 free-to-use educational resources for educators in all core subjects from PBS stations across the country, including PBS Wisconsin Education resources! Access videos, interactives, lesson plans and curated collections to create unique and fun learning experiences aligned to state standards. Searching for content is easy. Knowing what you find comes from a trusted source is even better.
It’s the time of the year when we look back on how our students have grown as learners, but also how we’ve grown as educators. This week we discuss celebrating accomplishments and ways we like to send students off on their continuing journey.
Many things we think are good teaching practices change over the course of a career. On this episode our hosts talk about the changes they’ve made to the way they teach. Plus we chat about different ways you can use your time during the summer months.
Do you have a favorite or least favorite fictional teacher? This week our hosts discuss how teachers are represented across media, from news, movies, and television shows like Abbott Elementary. Plus we talk about some of the biggest challenges when it comes to teaching.
Is technology a tool or a hindrance in the classroom? This week we discuss ways educators can use tech tools to increase student engagement, plus we hear from a teacher who is navigating communication boundaries with students and families.
This week we dive deep into how relationships between teachers and administrators impact our work as educators, how we get to know and trust our admin and colleagues, and the challenges that add complexity to those relationships. We also reflect together on parent communication and engagement strategies that support learning.
caution sign on brick wall
This week Angie and Joanna talk about the ways preparing and maintaining safe school environments have impacted them as teachers. Plus we hear from a teacher who is questioning how to discipline a troublesome student.
Check out this special episode we recorded during a live EdCamp session! Our hosts speak with each other and other educators about finding ways to cultivate and sustain successful classroom communities throughout the school year.
Illustration of Mahmoud Othman Atta
Check out the Wisconsin Biographies story on community builder Mahmoud Othman Atta, who built the first mosque in the Milwaukee area open to all.
In the long stretch between the new year and Spring Break our hosts talk about how they take care of themselves, their colleagues, and how they continue to find joy as educators. Plus we hear some success stories from the classroom!
One person holding hands of another person in support
This week we talk about how educators might navigate the world of teachers unions. Plus, our hosts chat about what you can do when you’ve got a group of students who are a bit too chatty!
Geshe Lhundub Sopa, from Wisconsin Biographies, People Making History, with illustration of Geshe Sopa
Learn how Geshe Sopa preserved his Tibetan culture far from home in this video from PBS Wisconsin Education’s Wisconsin Biographies collection.
Hands shaking
Can you bring your authentic self to school if you’re constantly thinking about what you wear, say and do around your students? What parts of yourself do you share with everyone, and how does that help build relationships? Plus, our hosts chat about the power of circle teaching practices.
In the wake of an important election, we're thinking about how elections, policy decisions, court rulings, and other legislation shape the learning happening in our classrooms and communities, and impact educators and learners in ways we may or may not expect.
As educators, how do you learn to say "no?" In a job where you're already doing too much, setting boundaries is vital. In this episode our hosts revisit last week's Pass the Mic, but also chat about how they handle being voluntold to participate in extra curriculars.
Episode 3 web image
We are coming up to an election day and talk of issues and events seems to swirl around everything we do. How do you keep your classroom civil when the political landscape is more heated than ever! Angie, Joanna, and our guest educator talk about navigating learning and teaching about what's happening in the world today.
Empty desks in a classroom
We're a few weeks into the school year now, and taking time to check in. How are you doing? How are the children doing? How can you tell? What's the vibe in your school? AND how can you continue to check in with yourself, your colleagues, and your students — what works and what doesn't?
Stylized illustration of a lightbulb
As the first few days and weeks of school get underway, we’re thinking about our experiences in education and how we get ready for the start of a something new: whether it’s with new students, a new role, a new schedule, a new school, or a new approach (or more than one of these!). What are new educators stepping into today?
Illustration of microphone on chalkboard
Your favorite blog is now your favorite new podcast! Take a listen to find out what the podcast is all about and be sure to check back for more conversations to come!