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Photo with golden yellow cast effect depicting a person performing agricultural work and carrying a tray of small vegetable plants ready for planting with the superimposed collection title, Climate Wisconsin, Stories from a State of Change, and a subtitle for the page, About
Check out "Climate Wisconsin", an educational collection of stories about the impacts of climate change around Wisconsin. (Grades 6-12)
Small yellow birds perched around a bird feeder, with the superimposed collection title, Climate Wisconsin, Stories from a State of Change, and the name of the story, Phenology
Learn how the work of "A Sand County Almanac" author Aldo Leopold is being used to assess the effects of climate change today.
Tom Marchant holding up a fish caught while ice fishing, with the superimposed collection title, Climate Wisconsin, Stories from a State of Change, and the name of the story, Ice Fishing
Opportunities for heading out on the lakes are shrinking for ice fishing enthusiasts. Hear from two ice fishers about their experiences heading out on the lakes to fish.
Marshall Pecore standing in front of the Menominee forests, with the superimposed collection title, Climate Wisconsin, Stories from a State of Change, and the name of the story, Forestry
Find out how climate change is impacting the forests managed by the Menominee Nation and what it means for the health of forests across the state.
Peter raising his arm to cast his line while fly fishing, with the superimposed collection title, Climate Wisconsin, Stories from a State of Change, and the name of the story, Fly Fishing
Wisconsin's driftless area offers some of the best trout fishing in the state. Examine the ways climate change may impact local trout populations and opportunities for fishing.
Kyle carrying a tray of plants, with the superimposed collection title, Climate Wisconsin, Stories from a State of Change, and the name of the story, Extreme Heat
Changing climate conditions mean changes to Wisconsin's agricultural production. Examine its effects through the story of one family’s farm.
A child playing outside looking at the camera, with the superimposed collection title, Climate Wisconsin, Stories from a State of Change, and the name of the story, Extreme Heat
Extreme heat in Wisconsin can be deadly. Learn about why it's getting worse and the factors that can make some people more vulnerable than others.
An illustration showing a person seated in a lawn chair outside in winter, with the superimposed collection title, Climate Wisconsin, Stories from a State of Change, and the name of the story, Adaption & Mitigation
Responses to climate change fall into two broad categories: adaptation and mitigation. Learn why both are important in the fight against climate change.
Photo with golden yellow cast effect depicting a young girl wearing braids standing next to a sidewalk on an extremely hot day with the superimposed collection title, Climate Wisconsin, Stories from a State of Change, and a subtitle for the page, Resources
Get the most out of the "Climate Wisconsin" collection with helpful educator resources, like extension activity ideas, discussion questions, essays, and more.
A close-up of the tap in a tree, with the superimposed collection title, Climate Wisconsin, Stories from a State of Change, and the name of the story, Sugaring
Meet a Wisconsin family of tree tappers and learn why changes in climate could have significant impacts on the statewide production of maple syrup.
Photo of scientist working outdoors in the sun with Meet the Lab logo superimposed along with the title of the resource, Climate Trackers
Meet the Climate Trackers, a group of scientists who are using measurements to tell the story of climate change and inform the decisions that will shape our future. In the resources below, you’ll learn about these scientists and their lab, and discover why their research matters in real life. Grab your notebook to take notes as you explore!
Pre-school aged children turning to face the camera with the logo for Early Learning
Explore opportunities to include developmentally appropriate, high-quality educational media resources in any early learning setting.
Photo of a person looking at a map on a wall with Meet the Lab logo superimposed along with the title of the resource, Visual Communicators
The Schloss Visual Reasoning Lab researches human reactions to messages made with visual elements 👁️ like color, shape, and line—with a goal of crafting better communications.
Photo of scientist using microscope in lab with Meet the Lab logo superimposed along with the title of the resource, Bio Builders
The Thomson Lab pioneered stem cell research, and now uses stem cells to repair damaged tissues and improve human health treatments. 🧫
Meet the Lab: Virus Investigators (Photo of EMT wearing mask in background)
The John W. and Jeanne M. Rowe Center for Research in Virology is on the case to observe 🔎 how viruses multiply, in hopes of finding new ways to stop them in their tracks!
Meet the Lab: Data Detectives (Photo of Yuren Sun next to computer programming code on laptop screen)
The Solís-Lemus Lab teams up with biologists to make computer 🖥️ models that can help make sense of mind-boggling amounts of data to better understand living things! 🌱
Meet the Lab: Nervous System Engineers (Photo of scientist in background)
The Stem Cell Bioprocessing and Regenerative Biomaterials Lab bioengineers neural tissue to study the nervous system. 🧠 Brains, spines, nerves, oh my!
Events slogan with illustration of a diverse group of folks engaged in communication at an event
Find out about upcoming and past conference presentations, webinars and more ways to connect and learn with our team and other educators.
Antibiotic Hunters: Meet the Lab (Photo of student working in lab in the background)
The Tiny Earth Network discovers new antibiotics 🦠 through the soil; and students do the hunting!
Meet the Lab: Cancer Detectives (Photo of scientist working in lab in background)
The Optical Microscopy in Medicine Lab uses high-powered laser microscopes ⚡🔬 to research cancer cell growth!