Have you ever wondered how we know that the climate is changing?
Meet the Climate Trackers—a group of scientists who are using measurements to tell the story of climate change and inform the decisions that will shape our future. In the resources below, you’ll learn about these scientists and their lab, and discover why their research matters in real life. Grab your notebook to take notes as you explore!
Learn Why Research Matters
Ankur Desai’s Ecometeorology Lab studies how the land and air interact with each other. In the following video, you’ll learn about why their research matters and how it’s showing up in the real world, through the story of a Wisconsin farmer and lab researcher.
View Transcript: English Transcript
Questions to Consider:
Ankur mentions that there is a lot of excitement right now about the idea of planting trees as a potential climate solution. Based on what he shares in the video, why do you think that is?
Michael shares a favorite saying, “It’s not the cow, it’s the how” when talking about cows and climate change. What does this saying help us think about?
“This is a really exciting time right now in climate science. The work that we’re doing has been shifting from basic research of understanding climate and climate models, [to] how do we apply those to systems like a farm to help them be more climate-smart?”
Meet The Scientists
There are 4 cards to read.

Ankur Desai
Principal Investigator
I lead a lab that studies how the surface of our planet and its biological organisms (like plants) influence weather and climate, and vice versa! 🌎

Bailey Murphy
I study forests to figure out how they’ll respond to climate change, and how human management changes that response. 🌲

Jonathan Thom
Lab Manager
I design, build, and assemble meteorological research towers that are used to answer questions about our environment. 🛠️

Susanne (Susi) Wiesner
I research how we can improve our farms so that they can overcome extreme weather like droughts or intense rain events.
Ask questions!
Ever wonder what scientists do every day, or what kind of equipment they use in their lab? Here’s your chance to ask them! Explore responses from members of Ankur Desai’s Ecometeorology Lab to learn more about what doing scientific research is really like!

Click on a tab above to begin.
What is your lab?
What is climate change?
How do you measure climate change?
What is the difference between climate and weather?
Why do cows have an impact on climate change?
What can we do to change the impact cows have on the environment?
View Transcript: English Transcript
Project Credits
Ryan Hendricks
Coordinating Producer
Mia Forslund
Ryan Hendricks
David Boffa
Ian Glodich
Ryan Hendricks
Catie Pfeifer
Ian Glodich
John Vieth
Tim Schneider
Charles Barrows
Ian Glodich
Educator Guide
Marci Glaus
Leigh Kohlmann
Mia Forslund
Thanks to our participating scientists
Ankur Desai, PhD
Bailey Murphy
Jonathan Thom
Susanne Wiesner
Project Partners
Ankur Desai’s Ecometeorology Lab
Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Science Advisor
Jen Kobylecky
Executive Producer
Megan Monday
Director of Education
Megan Monday
Director of Television
Jon Miskowski
Educator Advisors
Leigh Kohlmann
Aimee Spahos
Waunakee Intermediate School, Waunakee, WI (2024)
Funding Provided By
Timothy William Trout Education Fund
a gift of Monroe and Sandra Trout
Dr. Craig and Mrs. Marilyn January
Focus Fund for Education
Friends of PBS Wisconsin